Intellectual Property Rights are traditionally viewed as an economic tool designed to encourage and reward innovation. While ‘economic’ outcomes and innovation are often associated with profit driven organisations, not-for-profits and community organisations can also make important, innovative contributions to society. One of the pleasures of working in private practice, is the capacity to provide advice and assistance to some of these worthwhile causes. Griffith Hack is proud to offer Intellectual property services to several longstanding pro bono clients.
The Young People in Nursing Homes National Alliance (YPINHNA) is a community-based organisation creating systems change in the disability sector. The Alliance develops novel solutions to wicked problems facing young Australians living in aged care facilities (or at risk of being placed there) with a disability, who also have high and complex support needs.
Australia’s disability sector has in recent years become a highly competitive market due to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Systems, processes and solutions that used to be freely developed and shared between non-profit organisations now have significant commercial value.
Through its submissions to and appearances before the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, YPINHNA has promoted novel and innovative service models which will assist many young Australians have a better standard of care as a matter of right. These models were well received by the Commissioners. The Alliance is the registered proprietor of numerous trade marks including SYSTEMS WRANGLER and SERVICES WRANGLER. YPINHNA’s ownership of these trade marks gives the Alliance the right to stop use of these trade marks on service programs that do not meet the Alliance’s standards of care and compassion.
Dr Bronwyn Morkham, National Director of YPINHNA says that “In this market-driven and highly competitive sector, our reputation and our IP are more important than ever. Trademarks and IP protection have become a key part of our risk management strategy”.
“In the 21st century, a contemporary not for profit community organisation, needs a good head as well as a good heart and through its invaluable advice and assistance on all matters IP, Griffith Hack has provided strong guidance and practical assistance”.
Griffith Hack personnel are proud to have assisted YPINHNA for over 10 years and look forward to maintaining our contribution towards the Alliance’s continuing impact on the well- being of young Australians for many years to come.